• Book Reviews - Reviews

    The Disappearance

    Very hard to write this as Katherine Webb is one of my favourite authors but I did not like this book at all. I found the book to be boring and it didn’t grip me at all. The characters had no depth and I felt like the whole story was…

  • Book Reviews - Reviews

    The Butterfly Room

    Overall, I found this book was just ok. I loved the past stories and I lived how it showed the dynamic od the families. But I found the book didn’t have any feelings. It seemed very cold to me. I didn’t see the love between Posy and Freddie. I liked…

  • Book Reviews - Reviews

    Amy Snow

    I absolutely loved this book. It was one of those books that I could not put down and I had to finish it. I found the characters interesting, believable and with a personality. There were neither saccharine nor distant. The plot I felt was good and kept me intrigued until…

  • Reviews - Skincare

    Flowbox Monthly box

    I’ve decided to start subscribing to monthly boxes again, however this time I wanted to try something different than just beauty. After looking on the web, I decided to try out FlowBox and thought I would share with you what I got. They do different boxes and different sizes, normal…

  • Beauty - Reviews

    John Lewis InStyle Box Review

    Early February, I received an email from John Lewis saying that as I was a My Rewards Card Customer (a card where you get points for buying stuff) and if I spent over £70 in one single transaction before sometime in March, I would receive a free InStyle for John…

  • Reviews - Skincare

    Products I regret buying

    Because I am a product and makeup junkie, I do end up with many things that I regret buying. I thought I would do a blog post on it. Sorry for the stock photos of everything. Chanel  HYDRAMAX + ACTIVE NUTRITION I was so happy when I bought this as…

  • Beauty - Reviews

    Review: May Birchbox

    I recently received my first ever Birchbox last week and I have to say I am very happy with the contents. Birchbox in case you didn’t know is a beauty box, which is delivered to you for a price of £10 + £2.95 each month. It’s very similar to Glossybox and…